Semester Course:  3rd
Credits: 6 ECTS
Lecturers: José Miguel Cardoso Pereira e Tiago Oliveira
Web Site:

  1. Objectives:
    To acquire knowledge to understand the role of fire in Mediterranean ecosystems, its causes, consequences, behaviour and regimes and to apply the concepts and tools to develop appropriate fire risk management programs. By the end of the course, the student will be able to understand and develop a balanced fire management plan. He will be able to use basic tools of risk analysis and to understand the role of most common tactics and techniques of prevention, pre-suppression, suppression, recovery and restoration. To understand fire risk management strategies for Mediterranean ecosystems
  2. Programme topics:
    1. Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems
    2. Risk Management Process, Concepts and Techniques
    3. Fire Economics and Planning
    4. Prevention
    5. Pre-suppression
    6. Suppression
    7. Recovery and Restoration
    8. Case study analysis
  3. Assessment:
    Individual questionnaire and reading discussion and evaluation. Analysis of a fire management plan (written report with oral explanation).