"Our journey began in September 2017 until August 2019. A 2-year timeframe which seemed never-ending but joyfully folded up with immense knowledge acquisition and fun in a world-class master education. The staunch Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree (EMJMD) MEDfOR offered our cohort the opportunity to study in State-of-the-Art courses interlaced and archetypical to understanding forestry and natural resources management from the Mediterranean perspective. These courses taught by the consortium universities were centerpiece of sustainability, economics, Mediterranean forest ecology, social and environmental responsibilities. Most exclusively, the endowed annual Winter School session held in January presents a unique opportunity for students to learn-by-doing. It was an astounding experience how the MEDfOR secretariat throughout our educational journey exhibited unflinching support to students in many ways, for example, by means of creating enabling and boundless opportunities for practical engagements (traineeship/internship) across the globe in countries such as; The United States of America, Vietnam and Israel and with various organizations within Europe plus advising services.
Indeed, it has been a privilege to study under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree (EMJD) Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR) under the kind auspices of the European Commission."
Yusif Habib, 2017-2019 MEDfOR Cohort Representative