"I presented my thesis under the title: Trends in wildfire risk at time-scale: optimizing fuel treatments configurations in eucalyptus plantation in Portugal.
Creativity, patience, friendship, enthusiasm, adventures, curiosity...These might have been the motor and the result of my work during these two years." Hope this master can help in finding a job according to my ambitions. It provided me with a lot of field and real experiences during the studies and the summer internship in the forest sector,I gained knowledge about diffents issues in the Mediterranean area and it helped me to be more skilled in languages. In the personal aspect I am very satisfied for meeting so many people and cultures and making very good friends and colleagues, now part of what I am! 2015.
Working in the Institute for Research in Sustainable Forest Management (iuFOR) ( http://sostenible.palencia.uva.es/) en Palencia, focus on silviculture and adaptive management. 21/03/2019