“As an alumnus: I asked Professor Felipe Bravo in the winter school of first batch in 2013, how they, as guardians, would contribute to our future career. Professor’s answer was a bit straightforward, which disappointed me at the beginning. “We don’t provide you anything directly”, said Mr. Bravo. But, “You need to find your own way, we just prepare you”, encouraged the professor. At the moment, I thank professor Bravo, and all the faculties related to the program. They prepared us well. I now am doing a PhD in crop science specializing in entomology. In my application letter to MEDfOR, like everybody did, I had to write why I choose University of Padova. Honestly, I chose that university for a special course, Insect Ecology. Secretariat benevolently issued me that university. In that special course, I met the professor who I am working with right now. I started my master thesis with him, and the PhD project I am conducting follows the same topic. I really have started a new journey in life with what I like to do. And, it has become possible mostly because of the brains working behind MEDfOR. So dears, it needs courage, hope and preparation. That's all set for a new beginning." 2015.
Manager - Research and Knowledge Management at Disaster Management Watch (DM.WATCH). Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2019.
PhD student on Crop Science - University of Padua, Italy. 2015